If it's possible to have a favourite wild animal, this beautiful white rhino cow is mine. I have tracked her on and off for a number of years, I have been part of numerous procedures on her, from collaring to IVF, but despite our best efforts, she's still not been able to have her first baby. I took this photo when patroling and tracking rhino with an anti-poaching unit, we discovered her and her crash which a couple of youngsters at a small watering hole surrounded by thick bush. I then used the thicket as cover to get in closer. Rhino have poor eyesight so they couldnt see me as I slowly crawled out of the bush, but they could hear every single movement. Keeping the youngstsers behind her, this caring altuistic cow approached closer to check out what wa smaking the noise, allowing me to take this close up shot. What a wonderful mother she would be.
Close up Cow
Canvas Photo