A day for rhino. The morning marked the end of a long and arduous court case in which the notorious "Ndlovu" poaching syndicate were finally brought to justice at Grahams Town High Court. That afteroon as we drove home with spirits high, the vet team stopped off check on a previously injured rhino cow that they had treated the week before, all good. The vets were working away as sky turned from blue to orange, this dominant bull, whom was an observer throughout, pacing around in the warm glow. I lay in the short dust grass and crawled towards him. One thing I have noticed is that curious or mildly threatened rhino often keep their heads down, pretending to graze. I'm not sure whether they turning their head side on to get a better look at the threat, or if it's to demonstrate the power and the size of their horn. One thing is for sure, he turned and posed perfectly in front of the sun for this photo.
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© Ben Wallace
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